
【艺·凯旋】开幕现场 | 何汶玦展览于12月8日开幕


HE WENJUE Solo Exhibition

艺术家: 何汶玦 | Artist: He Wenjue

策展人:高远 | Curator: Gao Yuan

展览时间: 2019.12.8—2020.1.18

Duration: 8 Dec, 2019 - 18 Jan, 2020

开幕时间: 2019.12.8  下午3点半

Opening: 3:30 pm on 8 Dec, 2019

地点: 艺·凯旋画廊

Venue: Triumph Gallery


He Wenjue Solo Exhibition has opened on 8th December, 2019. The exhibition is curatored by Gao Yuan. It has presented the artist’s oil paintings and installation works created in the past decade orderly and rigorously, including more than 40 works such as “Watch Movie”, “Images”, and “The Idea of Money” series, showing his exploration and breakthrough of art in recent years. As a sincere artist, He Wenjue has been exploring the intersection of reality and art, and constantly expanding the possibilities of artistic language development and the depth of concepts. Among the clues of his style transition over the years, what we can find is the artist's thinking about the constant change of contemporary art, but also how to transform daily experience into art. Just as the Christian Holy Communion where wine and sacraments are transformed into the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ, the paintings and installations were achieved by the hands of artists and the art institution, transformed from common and everyday things into exquisite contemporary art.

开幕现场 | Opening Scene


▲艺术家 何汶玦和央美同学

▲艺术家 何汶玦和央美同学
▲左起:艺术家 许宏翔、策展人 高远、艺术家 何汶玦

▲右一:策展人朱彤 左一:艺术家 刘虹

▲右:中央美院副教授 郭红梅

▲右:鲁美教授 张志坚

▲左:艺术家 张琪凯

▲左:艺术家 栗子 右:艺术家 廖培

▲右二:艺术家 何杰 右一:艺术家 张旭东

▲左:策展人 曹茂超 右:策展人 李裕君

▲左:孙永增 右:策展人 梁克刚



▲左:艺术家 吴霜

▲左起:演员 乔于庭、演员 汪虹、艺术家 何汶玦、演员 瞿颖、歌手 宋雪

▲艺术家 何汶玦与友人们

展览现场 | Installation View

相关阅读:   展览预告 | 何汶玦个展将于12月8日开幕

Triumph Gallery

艺·凯旋画廊于2007年在北京798艺术区创立。画廊经营范围包括二十世纪中国艺术及当代艺术。作为中国艺术商业发展初期成立却依旧活跃的画廊,我们坚信用艺术语言表现人类境况是理解世界的高级方式。艺·凯旋画廊持续关注艺术生态,帮助及支持艺术家对艺术语言的探索,并在其职业生涯的发展中起着重要作用。我们也由此得到藏家的信任,并协助藏家及艺术机构建立专业的收藏体系。基于艺·凯旋画廊在业内公认的在中国现当代艺术领域的专业表现,未来,我们还将向西方艺术领域拓展,并帮助藏家开启这一领域的收藏及体验。Triumph Gallery was founded in 2007 in 798 Art Zone of Beijing. We believe in artistic expression of the human condition as a way to understand the world, and we support the artists to develop their artistic language. Our current focus is on Modern and Contemporary Fine Art from China. This is our expertise as one of the few early galleries in the Chinese art market that are still active. From the beginning, we have been supporting artists and were instrumental in developing their careers. This is how we have gained the trust from collectors, whom we help to build excellent collections. If you want to understand art and the art market in China, you need to come to Triumph Gallery. Our proven expertise in Chinese Modern and Contemporary Art is our foundation. Currently we are expanding our expertise into Western art history, particularly to Postwar period, and help open up this experience to our clients.
Address:A-05 ,798 Art Zone,No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China电话 / Tel:+86-10-5762-3012   传真 / Fax:+86-10-5762-3013 ins/facebook : Triumph Gallery微博:http://weibo.com/triumphart官网:www.triumphart.com.cn邮箱:info@triumphart.com.cn开放时间:周二至周日 10:30-18:30Opening Hours:Tuesday-Sunday 10:30-18:30

